Gō Contact Map

Gō Contact Map

Globular Proteins

Please cite:

[1] Optimizing Gō-MARTINI coarse-grained model for F-BAR protein on lipid membrane.

M. Mahmood, A. B. Poma, and K. Okazaki.

Frontiers in molecular biosciences 8 (2021): 619381.

[2] Mapping Mechanostable Pulling Geometries of a Therapeutic Anticalin/CTLA-4 Protein Complex.

L. Zhaowei, R. A. Moreira, A. Dujmovic, and A. B. Poma.

Nano Letters (2022): 179-187.

Contact information

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Gō parameters

It will be select contacts such that |residue index 1 - residue index 2| >= sequence distance

It will be select contacts such that dCA < cutoff long

It will be select contacts such that dCA > cutoff short